mscir wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Here is a problem I have not managed to solve for months. I have some
>> JavaScript which works properly in all the browsers I have tried except
>> Mozilla, including Firefox 1.0.
>> In my menu that is located I am
>> supposed to get text displayed when I hover over the images. In never
>> comes up though.
> function display_title(num) {
> if (!document.layers && !document.all && !document.getElementById)
> return;
> var entry=new Array(13);
> entry[0]="";
> entry[1]="<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=WHITE><B>H</B><FONT SIZE=2>ome";
> entry[2]="<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=WHITE><B>S</B><FONT SIZE=2>ite Map";
> entry[3]="<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=WHITE><B>M</B><FONT SIZE=2>ore...";
> entry[4]="<FONT SIZE=4 COLOR=WHITE><B>W</B><FONT SIZE=2>eb Log";
> disp = "<FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=WHITE>" + entry[num] + "</FONT>";
> if (document.getElementById) {
> document.getElementById('pendule').innerHTML = disp;
> } else if (document.layers) {
> document.layers.pendule.document.write(disp);
> document.layers.pendule.document.close();
> }
> }
Yes, and...?
I tried debugging it. For some reason, Mozilla gets an 'undefined' value for
document.layers and document.all.
At first I thought Mozilla disallows certain (non-secure) classes of Java,
but ever since I gave up...