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Re: Graphics in Web pages

In article <hqhrujqcwl49.1i94fzqo3rku8$.dlg@40tude.net>,
 Mark Parnell <webmaster@clarkecomputers.com.au> wrote:

> Previously in alt.html, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com>
> said:
> > So here's the test, folks: if you'd rather have sex than edit,
> > then you must be using the wrong editor.
> http://editor.usenetshit.info/

Or maybe those that prefer the editing are using the wrong sexual 
partner!  :P


Alan Cole. E-mail: justal at lineone dot net
http://www.forces-of-nature.co.uk [Coastal Sports]
http://www.tsunami-site-design.co.uk [Website Design]
http://tinyurl.com/64xrd [Plusnet ISP]

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