"Harry" <harrysmith03@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>I have been a Palm OS user for at least 5 years now. I am about to
> renew my Sony Clie and I am currently undecided whether to go for an
> HP IPAQ or stick to a Palm OS. I noted that the Pocket PC has recently
> gained a lot of grounds on the Palm OS in terms of sale figures. Is
> this anything to go by???? I would appreciate any views on the matter.
> What are the pros & cons of both OS? Hope to hear from you guys as I
> intend to offer myself one for Xmas...... Thanks Robert
Sales figures are not necessarily to be ignored, but they aren't the final
word either. I think there is a basic difference between a Pocket PC and a
Palm OS device today. The PPC units are trying to be mini-Windows devices
with Windows like features. Palm devices were designed to be PDAs but have
begun to add computer type features such as networking support and document
handling (Docs To Go).
I would recommend that you consider what you need the PDA to do for you. I
personally like Palm devices but I mostly use mine for scheduling, keeping
track of addresses and phone numbers, reading ebooks and the occasional
One advantage of PPC is that WiFi seems to be much better supported and
hardware costs are lower compared to comparably equipped Palm units. By the
way, Palm still sells more PDAs than any other company although HP and Dell
together sell more PPC units.