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Re: Dead hard drive - chances of ressuscitation?

  • Subject: Re: Dead hard drive - chances of ressuscitation?
  • From: "Saggy" <>
  • Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 09:52:41 +0100
  • Newsgroups: uk.comp.misc
  • References: <clnl8i$rkt$>
  • Xref: uk.comp.misc:53519
"Mark Blunden" <> wrote in message
> My PC was working just fine up until I shut it down yesterday morning. In
> the evening when I switched it on, my C: drive would do nothing but emit
> grinding noises - "grn-grn-grn-grn....grn-grn-grn-grn". It's an IBM
> 60GB model, a standard ATA/IDE drive, probably about 3-4 years old now.
> There's nothing absolutely essential on it that wasn't backed up, but
> are some files - recent e-mails, mostly - that I'd like to recover if it's
> possible without spending a fortune. What are the chances that the fault
> something that can be repaired fairly cheaply? (I'm not really holding out
> much hope).
> Also, are there any models or manufacturers I should particularly avoid
> buying a replacement drive?
> --
> Mark.
Try gently tapping the side of the drive with the handle of a screwdriver
while it's making the noises, this might make it come to life long enough
for you to get what you want off it. Has worked for me in the past on
customers machines.

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