AaronJ wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@schestowitz.com> wrote:
>>Mechanically, Palms are built with good components.
> Good mechanical components?
Based on personal experience with other gizmos...
> My IIIxe has poorly designed mechanical connectors that have to be
> reseated periodically to keep the screen going.
> *All* of my m100 series Palms (the m100,two m105s,and two m125s) have a
> defective backup capacitor. Definitely not a "good" component".
That's shocking although my old M130 was never a 'victim'.
> My Zire71 has to be rocked in the cradle and the screen icon checked to
> make sure it is charging because of the lousy mechanical design of the
> Universal Connector.
This reminds me of a problem that my M130 developed in its later days.
> My TungE has a defective down button that is hard to push. (That was a
> well reported mechanical component problem in the early TE units.) Then
> there is the poor silver finish of the case which is extremely scratch
> prone. This was supposed to be a business model but after a year or so of
> pocket carrying I would be ashamed to show it's damaged hide in any
> boardroom.
Faceplates prevent some of these 'embarrassments' and I was actually quite
impressed (still am) with the durability of the exterior material. Maybe I
am lucky or maybe I am just gentler with my PDA's.
> And speaking of case problems the blue paint on my and virtually all other
> Zire72 models is flaking off.
...I never took the Zire seriously because it looked like a bit of a toy...
> And that is just some of *my* experience. If you read these groups for any
> length of time you will see many common *component based* complaints from
> malfunctioning slides, to the early wear out of digitizers and on-off
> buttons. Need I mention the whine about screen whine?
You got me there, I must admit. I now regret ever hailing the hardware. The
on-off button broke on both Palm handhelds that I have owned. Also, the
digitizers gradually get worse.
> *IMO* (and personal experience) the biggest problems bugging users of the
> Palm PDA line has not been it's software.
Perhaps this is PalmOne's way of keeping things in balance. Unreliable
hardware and software that never evolves.
> Get it?...bugging...software...oh never mind... ;)
Got it.
Roy S. Schestowitz