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Re: Vegan Bodybuilders??

  • Subject: Re: Vegan Bodybuilders??
  • From: Robert Schuh <rschuh@yahoo.com>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 17:46:41 -0700
  • Newsgroups: alt.fitness.weights, misc.fitness.weights, sci.med.nutrition
  • Organization: Hard Bop Drums
  • References: <1112635845.470345.244370@g14g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <bnf4e.2838$hg.2243@news01.roc.ny> <Fxf4e.857$Lg5.251@fe07.highwinds-media.phx> <3bejqkF6gmcu5U1@individual.net> <d3ifm4$24gj$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.fitness.weights:3515 misc.fitness.weights:703587 sci.med.nutrition:176728
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Steve Freides wrote:
> > "The Gist" <GiveMeTheGist@gist.net> wrote in message
> > news:Fxf4e.857$Lg5.251@fe07.highwinds-media.phx...
> >> Jerry wrote:
> >>> NYC XYZ wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi, All:
> >>>>
> >>>> -- and by "vegan" I simply mean
> >>>> no meat, but do allow for diary products (milk, eggs, etc.)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> That would be a vegetarian, not a vegan.
> >>>
> >>>
> >> This guy is a total vegan, I believe.
> >> http://www.mikemahler.com/
> >> I don't think it is all that rare its just that not well documented
> >> since the average joe sixpack shit-for-brains wouldn't be interested
> >> and you'll find that makes up 99.99% of the fitness market.(hell,
> >> 99.99% of human society in general!!)
> >
> > Mike is a very strong guy who might be mistaken for a bodybuilder
> > because he's lean but he's not.  He's also a popular trainer who
> > specializes in MMA and he's one of the senior kettlebell instructors in
> > Pavel's program.  He's the best testimony I've seen to achieving
> > athletic goals while on a vegan diet, and he was even a vegan on the
> > Warrior Diet for a long time although I don't think he follows the
> > latter now.
> >
> > By the way, he's got a couple of great DVD's out, one on kb training for
> > MMA, and another on using kb's to gain size and strength.  On the latter
> > he goes into tremendous detail about the various lifts and both his
> > DVD's have been well-received.  He's also written quite a bit.
> >
> > You can post on the DD Nutrition forum and get a reply from him, I'm
> > sure.  http://forum.dragondoor.com/nutrition
> >
> > -S-
> > http://www.kbnj.com
> Steve,
> Ignore Robert's comment to you. Robert is a steroid user who has replied to
> about 10 of my posts calling me a f*, a Nazi and who knows what else. Don't
> let it spoil your day.
> Roy
> --
> Roy S. Schestowitz
> http://Schestowitz.com

Why is it that you are incapable of using any facts when you post in Usenet? If
the best you can do is libel and innuendo, I suggest you go back to raping
little boys and shut the fuck up. FACTS Skippy, FACTS.

Robert Schuh
"Everything that elevates an individual above the herd and
 intimidates the neighbour is henceforth called evil; and
 the fair, modest, submissive and conforming mentality,
 the mediocrity of desires attains moral designations and honors"
 - Nietzsche

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