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Re: SEO: Where to find listings of LEAST popular keywords/phrases.

__/ [justobservant@xxxxxxxxxxx] on Friday 16 December 2005 23:06 \__

> Hello,
> I'm developing Internet content for small to medium-sized businesses
> involved in niche products and services. I'm seeking listings of "least
> popular keywords/phrases"; that is keywords experiencing significant
> percentage growth patterns within say.... three month periods.
> Such Internet content is aimed at audiences seeking emerging
> industry/social trends; who would most likely use least popular
> keywords in search-engines.
> Many of these keywords may include newly quoted words/phrases, industry
> jargon, long forgotten words making a comeback, etc.
> In short, specialty words which may become increasingly-known to wider
> and wider audiences over a period of a few months.
> Thank-you

There  are software tools (only commercial as far as I can tell) that  en-
able you to query number of requests (volume) for a particular phrase. You
would  still  need to make guesses at good phrases and explore before  you
discover that 'perfect fit'.

Also  try asking this (maybe follow-up to) in alt.internet.search-engines,
which  is  quite  focused on SEO and boasts many dedicated  readers.  This
group  is seeing low volume of activity and is largely inactive (apologies
to mederator/creator).

Best wishes,


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