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Re: Size of root folder

__/ [bibinix@xxxxxxx] on Wednesday 21 December 2005 11:18 \__

> Hi guys out there.
> I am cleaning up my disk (suse 9.2). I deleted lot of temp files and
> rpm as suggested by many posts in this newsgroup
> Still I have:
> bigdell:/ # df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hdb6              16G  9.4G  5.1G  65% /
> tmpfs                 252M   32K  252M   1% /dev/shm
> /dev/hdb1              16G   11G  4.7G  70% /mnt/D
> And looking at the biggest directories:
> root  4.1 Gb
> usr   1.8 Gb
> home  2.3 Gb
> Q1: Is not too much 4.1 Gb for root? I upgraded my suse version many
> times is it possible that there are "leftover" in root?
> can I delete somet
> Thanks for help
> Paolo

Re Q1: Yes, it's too much.

BAINE:~ # cd /root
BAINE:~ # du -sh
6.8M    .

I think there might be something rather odd in root -- something that should
not be there. What do you get as output for:

du /root


You'll have to log in as root to run this.


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