Oli wrote on Wed, 05 Jan 2005 00:22:32 GMT:
> Chris M wrote:
??>> How do I find out the range of IP addresses which covers the UK?
??>> Thanks!
> IP address values aren't based on geography. There is no specific range
> that covers the UK. Why do you need to know?
> If you're trying to find the ISP of a user for instance, a better way
> might be to do a DNS lookup on the ISP address and see if the URL
> contains "uk". (Just a guess).
Yes they are country specific.
My IP starts with 64.x.x.x
That IP range only by USA cable companies.
A small country like Tuvalu, or Andorra, probably won't get any more than
one block assigned to them.
A block being in the range of X.0.0.0 to X.0.0.255.
With xipl IP locaotor you can see which countries are assinged which blocks.