Gernot Frisch wrote:
> "chabral" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:41ed8bce$0$48327$
>> Hi,
>> We're planning to buy an Enterprise distribution to install and
>> run a
>> corporate Informix database (200+ users). The question is about
>> which distro
>> should we buy: SuSE Enterprise Server or RedHat Enterprise Server
>> ES. If you
>> have any recomendation or experience, it will be really apreciated.
>> Thanks in advance,
> Why not a Debian stable?
Try Ubuntu maybe? It's based on Debian. I heard many good things about
Ubuntu from friends; my experience with its live CD was disappointing.
Maybe it's because I am not a Gnome lover, though the wide-spread word says
you should give it a go.
Roy Schestowitz