starlightjen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the Google Site Search Widget on my website, but I'd like to
> capture the results of a user's search, and return them on a page
> branded like the rest of my site, instead of directing my users to a
> google page filled with links.
> Does anyone know if this is even possible? I'd much rather use google
> than another site search utility.
> Your Help appreciated!
> Jen
With Google, there is a limited amount of customisation (including a logo
with size limitations) that you can apply to search results pages. I have
pretty much pushed that to the limits, so if you are curious, go to my page
(below) and run a search in the little widget at the top. You can define
colours, logos and some bits of the layout. Google won't permit anything
beyond that.
Roy S. Schestowitz