Ordog wrote:
>>Winnie Oakbob wrote in
>>"The blood of atheists will color our rivers red !!! Very soon !!!"
>>Yes, because the holy inquisition is coming back and all you heretics
>>and witches will be butchered, because you deny god.
> Sure! Ordered by an all loving Christian God!
> Merciful Satan, help us!
> Ordog
> "Beware of the man whose God is in the skies." Bernard Shaw
*LOL* I wonder if you replied with a modified subject line or simply chose
not to reply a troll.
The liklihood of an atheist invading a religious newsgroups and making
intolerant statements is rather low.
> "The blood of atheists will color our rivers red !!! Very soon !!!"
You love that sort of stuff (blood), don't 'cha?
Roy S. Schestowitz