Els wrote:
> Ignoramus6010 wrote:
>> I receive a lot of spammy requests like the ones at the bottom of my
>> article.
>> What are they? Iunderstand that they are trying to referer spam me,
>> but how? Is that some malware running on users' browsers?
> Well, they at least now got their URL across the internet by you
> posting it 10 times in your message, which happens to be taken over by
> several well spidered so called forums, like forum4designers and such
> <g>
Don't spend your time keeping track of referrer spam. I used to block them,
then I lost hope of identifying real and fake referrers (about 100 of them
every month) and finally I learned to ignore and made sure that my stats
could never be viewed publicly. By quoting the logs, you have just
encouraged the spammers to do more of the same.
Roy S. Schestowitz