Roy Schestowitz wrote:
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Don Noll wrote:
Can somebody tell me the script that will prevent viewers from
downloading or printing photos (jpg) off my web site?
The only real way I know of is not to 'publish' them on the web....
There are measures you can take to more it /more difficult/ for users to do
that. You can also weed out more mediocre users, but you can never prevent
anything once it goes public.
Roy is right, I gave a smart ass response but if your think about it,
you are 'publishing' them. As an artist, it is a concern of mine, but
you cannot really stop someone from printing and downloading your images
if you put them on a web page. However here are my suggestions on what
to do.
1. Keep your images at web resolution not printable resolution <600
pixels most times 300-400 will do, will look good on a monitor
especially if you play with sharping and smoothing filters and with the
jpg compression, but at this resolution they will not print very well.
2. Copyright and give clear copyright statements, Google 'copyright' for
proper methods, I am assuming this is your original work, right?
3. Digimarc watermark your images, plugins available for all major
images software. Unfortunately one needs the plugin to 'see' the
watermark, but it does prove that the file was generated by you.
4. Pray...some folks steal, sometimes it is dishonest sometimes
ignorance, happened before the Web and will continue after...hopefully
suggestions 1-3 will diswade the most.
Take care,