> I have to send images by E-Mail. What is the best algorithm to encrypt
> them ? I am searching for the corresponding source code.
> PGP/GnuPG public key encryption
> Zip with encryption
> for (i=0; i < num_pixels; i++) {
> image[i] = image[i]>>7*rand();
> }
> Should encrypt them pretty well.
> Your question is vague. It's like asking "I need to paint my house,
> what paint should I buy". There are an infinite number of possible
> answers.. I could tell you to go and but a particular mix colour from a
> particular company at a certain store in a certain sized can but it
> probably wouldn't do what you wanted...
> In the future refer to
> http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html :)
What is more deceiving is the purpose, which is unclear. If you want to send
images, why would you need to know the algorithm? Are you building a mail
client or encryption package for a mail client?
You can use PGP < http://www.pgpi.org/ > in your mail application or encrypt
just the file using PGP and then send an unencrypted E-mail message which
contains the file.
Roy S. Schestowitz