> I was looking at this website (that is #2 in google for "search engine
> optimization") and noticed this script at the bottom of their source
> page... I am not that good at Java... but I am sure it plays some role
> in their ranking... Do you know what it does? Could it be useful?
> site:
> script at the bottom of the page:
> var _pn="SEO+Executive+Plan";
> var _mlc="CONTENT+CATEGORY";
Just some definition of mysterious variables.
> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript1.1" defer
> src=""></script>
Calls another script. Have a look at what _that_ script does.
> <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
> if(navigator.appName!='Netscape'&&navigator.
> appVersion.toString().charAt(0)!='3')document.write("<\!"+"--");
> </script>
Opens up a comment element if Netscape 3.x is used? Odd... who uses NS 3?
> <img
> border='0' width='1' height='1'></noscript>
> <!--//-->
It grabs some image here and the image is delivered on the fly. It seems
like an image with a hit count will be displayed here -- one that is
provided by hitbox. I haven't checked to see.
Roy Schestowitz