On Mon, 2 May 2005 20:54:46 +0100, Hywel Jenkins
<hyweljenkins@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Although Roy appears to be working with RSS here, which isn't XML or
>> easily processed by vanilla XSLT.
>RSS most certainly is XML. What makes you think it isn't?
Why do you think it is ? (and which version are you talking about)
RSS is bedevilled by multiple versions and crap specs. Some of these are
RDF, some are "XML-like" RSS that isn't reliable XML and the rest are
unclear. Only 2.0 and the RDF versions (0.90 and 1.*) are defined to be
XML, and even 2.0 is still frequently not well-formed as XML in the real
world. Some of the 0.9* versiosn claimed (after the spec had been
released for some time) that RSS documents were also conformant XML
documents, but the content model for <description> disagreed with this.
If you build an RSS tool and assume that it will receive well-formed
XML, then you're heading for trouble, It's tag (and particularly,
entity) soup out there.
It still amuses me that even Bruce Schneier's blog offers the full
content in RSS 1.0, but can't provide it in a workable manner for 2.0.