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Re: Web page access

  • Subject: Re: Web page access
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 05:23:40 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <uAb9f.3665$zT6.1312@trnddc06> <vilain-23F146.16341830102005@comcast.dca.giganews.com> <dk4h5n$2tuh$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <dk78ml$irh$1$8302bc10@news.demon.co.uk>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [David Dorward] on Tuesday 01 November 2005 08:28 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Press  "research  workspace" (now crossed out). A window will pop up,  re-
>> quiring  you to enter a password, which is in fact the missing segment  of
>> the Web address.
> Wow. What a complicated and nasty (it ran afoul of my popup blocker) way of
> implementing "The content is at URL X, I haven't got any links to it, so
> add it to your bookmarks."

It's quite old and I was not very good at Web development at the time. By the
way, my pop-up blocker denies it as well. That page is a mess altogether and
I am fully aware of it. *smile*


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