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Re: More MS innovation

DFS wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> > __/ [DFS] on Thursday 10 November 2005 15:34 \__

> > As a home user, will you be willing to pay the price? As a
> > corporation, will you be able to bear the cost? As an
> > individual/corporation, will youever  be able to migrate your data
> > elsewhere when the software is no longer affordable?
> The answer to all 3 is "Yes, of course!"
> Business have been paying for MS Office by the $billions for 10 years now.
> When will you nutcases understand MS Office isn't expensive?  In volume
> licensing, I expect Office costs no more than $50 per employee per year.

Let's see, will that $50/employee/year be for MS-Office Professional
and be valid on ANY machine that employee uses?  Can he use it on his
home machine?  Can he use it on his laptop?  How about his corporate

My guess is that this price would be for MS-Office Standard edition,
much less functionality.  Word, Excel, Powerpoint - not much else.

My guess is that if my employee wants to work from home I will either
have to:
   A.  Buy him a laptop (extra $1200 or more)
   B.  Reemburse him for a copy of Office (not at the discounted price)
   C.  Purchase second copies for EVERY Employee.
   D.  Force him to do all of the work, at his desk, in the office -
including overtime.

With Open Office:
   Let him download Open Office into his corporate desktop from the
corporate mirror.
   Let him download Open Office onto his home machine.
   Give him a memory stick for $20 - and let him take that report home
so that he can
    finish it after he's had dinner with his family and tucked the kids
into bed.

Which company would you rather work for?
    A.  The one who wants you to work 8:00 AM to 10 PM to meet
deadlines all the time?
    B.  The one who makes your buy your own PC but tells you that you
must pay
          several hundred dollars for software?
    C.  The one who lets you use your own PC and lets you use software
that's free so
         that you can work from home at your convenience, or in a more

If you answered C.  Then Open Document is a huge blessing for you.

> > Your mind continues to wander in oblivion. The only reason some
> > people stick to Office is because licences have not expired yet
> Yeah, you keep telling yourself that as the world ignores OO.

So far, over 100 million copies of OO have been downloaded.  Many of
those downloaded have been copied to CD-ROMs and passed around, been
placed on corporate file servers, or placed on private mirrors.

Even Microsoft would love to be "ignored" like that.

> > and since OpenOffice is *yet* to gain its deserved reputation.
> Oh, I think it will one day gain the reputation it deserves.

Things seem to be looking pretty good so far.
The download rates are increasing every day.

Again, Microsoft would love to have anything be that popular.

> > Hey, look!  Published today...
> >
> > http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-5942913.html?tag=zdfd.newsfeed
> >   Big guns in the software industry are massing behind
> >   OpenDocument as government customers show more interest
> >   in open-source alternatives to Microsoft?s desktop
> >   software.
> Cool.  Big guns massed behind Linux a while ago, and it's not exactly taking
> over the Microsoft desktop world, now is it?

Most of the big players were rallied around Linux as a server platform,
and the results are quite impressive.  Linux has captured over 1/2 the
installations previously held by Windows NT 4.0 servers, and has done
quite well at replacing many UNIX (Solaris, AIX, HP_UX) servers.  In
fact, Solaris, AIX, and HP_UX now offer Linux compatibility as a means
of keeping their customers and capturing Linux projects that have
outgrown Linux on 32 bit Intel.  Linux has over 50% of the server
market in less than 5 years.  That's a pretty big rally.

Nearly everyone uses Linux and Open Source every day now.  It's hard to
imagine not having Google, not checking the Weather Channel, or not
having Yahoo, E-Bay, or Amazon - all of which use Open Source
technology for strategic purposes.

Even Microsoft uses Linux to buffer and load-balance the accesses to
their huge array of Windows "back-end" servers.

And what about "Linux Appliances".
There aren't many homes that don't have at least one or two Linux
The cable tuner, the cable modem or DSL modem, the WiFi hub, the
router, even the networked storage external drive - all Linux.  They
might even have Linux in a wireless printer server, even their cell
phone might be running Linux.

Isn't Palm coming out with a PalmOS based on Linux?
Sharp already has a Linux powered PDA - several in fact.

> > PS - just because you authored a book on Office does not make it
> > formidable to us. Wishful thinking ain't reality either.
> You're thinking of a different DFS.  The only thing I author are
> hard-hitting, smackdown posts to cola.

DFS  is a True WinTroll
  posts Pro-Microsoft articles in COLA,
  completely anonymous
  nicknamed DoFuS

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