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Re: Anchor text strategy

__/ [Michael Sattler] on Monday 28 November 2005 08:33 \__

> Hello experts!
> When submitting to web directories, keywords in the anchor usually
> help to improve ranking for these keywords. But being linked
> *exclusively* with keywords might be considered unnatural by google
> and thus have the opposite effect.
> I'd like to know about your experiences as to 'natural anchor text'.
> Let's suppose, you'd want to submit your site to 100 web directories.
> Which ratio of the following possibilities would you favour?
> - main keyword / keyphrase only
> - company name / official website title only
> - domain name only
> - domain name + main keyword/keyphrase
> - company name + main keyword/keyphrase

It  depends.  What you probably want in the anchor text are keywords  that
correspond  to SEPR's you aim for. If you sell blue widgets, you  probably
want  "blue  widget(s)"  in the anchor. If very few people ever  look  for
/blue/  widgets, aim for just "widget" and see if you can fit in page 1 of
the  results pages. Domain names are probably unimportant. Very few people
will  search  for domain names. Search is in fact a  simplification  which
rids the user from the need to memorise or guess Web addresses.

Don't  forget to diversity the anchor texts, making slight variations that
make it all appear less automated.


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