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Re: Open Source and Search

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It does not prevent it from being used for evil purposes. I will say
> no more, just keyworks instead: google.com, mozilla.com,
> wordpress.com(?), DMOZ(?)...

Wake up Roy! The world becomes an easier place to live if you start to 
understand that a company has no human feelings, but is a machine to make 
money. It doesn't matter that much how, as long as it keep making the 
money. It has no feelings, it doesn't want to please its customers, its 
there to make money, if customers are happy, that's just a happy 

It's extremely naive to think that a group of people can overthrow Google 
and create a better "OpenSource" search engine that's perfect. Just a peek 
at some OS projects will confirm that it's not like that, humans are 
greedy, and machines have no feelings.

John                       Perl SEO tools: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
                                             or have them custom made
                 Experienced (web) developer: http://castleamber.com/

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