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Re: DMOZ and Time Warner?

__/ [Stefan Ram] on Monday 17 October 2005 16:20 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>Firefox, which is Open Source. In this current situation, I doubt I would
>>ever volunteer to edit DMOZ listings, i.e. spend my free time organising
>>directories for Google.
>   DMOZ actually AFAIK is owned and controlled by Time Warner, so
>   you would be working in you free time for Time Warner.
>       "Netscape was acquired by AOL (...), and ODP was one of
>       the assets included in the acquisition. AOL later merged
>       with Time-Warner."
>       "ODP's paid staff having the final say regarding ODP's
>       policies and procedures."
>       "ODP's paid staff gave the paid employees of
>       professional content providers such as AOL
>       and Rolling Stone magazine high level editing
>       access at ODP."
> http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/DMoz

Amazing, isn't it? A mailbox stuffed with hundreds of submissions every
morning and a moderator that serves merely as a cogwheel for something that
falls under the disguise of communal, non-profit bodies.

Then again, I bet (am almost sure) we are missing plenty of other facts, as
well as the word from the other side. I have just tried to trace the bit in
scroogle.org that talks about it in depth, but it has almost certainly been
removed from both the site and the Google index (cache).


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