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Re: Page rank

__/ [johnny15] on Friday 28 October 2005 16:33 \__

> I have started to become of the opinion that traffic to your site has
> influence on the postioning of the site not just links or page rank. I
> have tried to improve relavency through optimising the content of the
> page and the title etc

And  you have reflected on the lesson in your 3 responses to "Google Posi-
tion", which is a good sign. *wink*

Now,  to be a little more serious, you need to target your content to your
audience.  Do not put emphasis on increasing search engine referral (traf-
fic),  not  directly anyway. You want users to reach your site because  it
contains  the information they have sought. I know many sites that attract
visits  only to have them disappointed (e.g. combined scraped content that
adheres to a given theme + AdSense).

Ultimately,  you  are more likely to have your page bookmarked or  make  a
sell (in eCommerce) if you get the /right/ visitors, not the large amount.
Visits  that are not carefully overlooked might count for bandwidth  drain
or "trash" as a few choose to call it when bandwidth is devoured and while
business is close, but no cigar.


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