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Re: WARNING: Windows Catches up with Linux (as of a Decade Ago)

__/ [Lefty Bigfoot] on Monday 31 October 2005 11:55 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote
> (in article <dk4ssh$hd4$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>):
>> http://blogs.technet.com/windowsserver/archive/2005/10/28/413255.aspx
>> "In Vista/Longhorn server, the file system (NTFS) will start supporting a
>> new filesystem object (examples of existing filesystem objects are files,
>> folders etc.). This new object is a symbolic link."
>> Innovation. Just like Mr. Ballmer promised us!
> So, the symlink patent expired, eh?

No, symlink patent impending. Microsoft innovate, remember? Must defend that
innovation now...


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