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Re: South Africa, a move to Open Source.

__/ [William Poaster] on Sunday 18 September 2005 18:54 \__

> According to Tectonic ttp://www.tectonic.co.za , the South African State
> Information Technology Agency (SITA) "is looking for an open source
> distribution and supplier to assist government to migrate to open source."
> http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=605
> I wonder if Sweaty Blammer is packing a suitcase already...
Don't they already have Mark Shuttleworth[1]? Hellllo.........? Ubuntu is a
great distribution, which I installed yesterday afternoon on a second
machine of mine. For a corporate environment or governments, however, I
would have to recommend SuSE, which I am using at the moment.

Speaking of Ballmer, I found the following in alt.hacker this morning:


Doesn't Ballmer look adorable?


[1] Poppa of Ubuntu Linux

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