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Re: Site dropped to PR4

__/ [ Badass Scotsman ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 13:06 \__

> "Paul B" <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:oubv221qcembpoks534nrq1r2j5ovo0i2v@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Anyone else notice their PR playing around ?
>> Site was a PR5, and today PR4   umph !
>> --
>> Real Bear Claw Necklace
>> Turquoise Necklace
>> Necklace Purse
> I have gone from a 3 to a 4 today.
> Badass.

There's some stuff going on over here, as well. Nothing like a full-scale
PageRank update, but there are odd changes. This appears to be something
more global...

MCDar apepar to be overloaded with requests (it is slow), which may be yet
another indication the people are discovering changes.

Best wishes,


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