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Re: [Funny] An Idiot's Benchmark

__/ [ Peter Köhlmann ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 18:53 \__

> rapskat wrote:
>> On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 09:35:34 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> "Jorge Lopez is a DeVry graduate with an MCSE certification and is
>>> currently working as a Windows LAN Administrator."
>>> Anti-Linux
>>>         http://www.divisiontwo.com/articles/mcse2.htm
>> There's no way that that article is serious...is there?
> I'm afraid it is
> That guy is a typical MCSE. An ignorant twit, "trained" to push the mouse
> around and reboot
> And otherwise completely useless

No, it's not serious (tagged [Funny]). It messes about with the stereotypes.
Not the racial ones (I hope), but those which are associated with Microsort
certification. Before you posted this, I had thought precisely the same
thing: mouse-based diagnostics + reboot skills.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Open the Gate$ to Hell
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