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[News] Red Hat Versus Ubuntu Linux in the Enterprise Space

What is Red Hat's achilles heel? No, it's not SuSE, Windows, or Solaris.
Ubuntu anyone?


Shuttleworth: Rumours of Red Hat's demise are somewhat exaggerated

,----[ Quote ]
| I woke up this morning to a flood of mail regarding Tony Mobily's
| commentary on Ubuntu vs Red Hat.
| My own view is that Red Hat will continue to do well in the specific
| areas that they have targeted - they are extremely well established
| in the high-availability enterprise Linux server market, and it will
| take some years before Ubuntu can make the same claim.


Why Red Hat will NOT go bust because of Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Free Software Magazine has an interesting article claiming that Red Hat
| with whither and die at the expense of Ubuntu.


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