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Re: Microsoft Attempts to Intercept EU Fines

  • Subject: Re: Microsoft Attempts to Intercept EU Fines
  • From: alt <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 03 Aug 2006 07:19:40 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Shaw Residential Internet
  • References: <50191590.RVi5jRlPZA@schestowitz.com> <1154357369.302072.125990@i42g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <mn.fbba7d6751e7223d.58309@ch4.co.uk>
  • User-agent: Xnews/5.04.25
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1136174
sloblocks <sloblocks@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in

> Rex Ballard used his keyboard to write :
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> Microsoft submitted documents in bid to avoid fine
>>> http://yahoo.reuters.com/news/articlehybrid.aspx?storyID=urn:newsml:r
>>> euters.com:20060731:MTFH12417_2006-07-31_10-13-23_L31156239&type=comk
>>> tNews&rpc=44 
>> It looks like the EU has finally found a punishment that is at least
>> getting Microsoft to take a court ruling seriously.  Fine them 3
>> million Euros/day until they comply fully.  Too bad the Bush
>> administration didn't do something like that.  By now, Microsoft
>> could have paid almost 1/2 the national debt (if we hadn't gone to
>> war with Iraq and lowered taxes).
>> At least in the EU, Microsoft is NOT above the law.
> Do you really think Microsoft will ever actually PAY these fines?

The EU would have some recourse.

The first thing they could do is to seize all MS bank accounts and assets 
located within the EU.

The second thing they could do (which is probably unlikely) is to lock them 
out of the European market.

The third thing they could do is to allow Microsoft to sell their wares but 
not permit any of the monies to leave the EU, thus seizing those monies.

Another thing they could try, but I'll bet it'd be blocked by some 
"interested parties", would be to get a court order inside of the US 
seizing assets/accounts.

Not to mention criminal penalties that could probably apply.

They aren't without recourse, it's just a matter of getting creative.

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