OK thanks
i just tried that
i inserted a disk for my Sony digital voice recorder
I drug the icon of the CD-rom to my desktop
now i have Autorun.inf.tar.gz in something that looks like an open box
on my desktop
but nothing that will read my files from the recorder
what i want to do is add files from this recorder to a folder on my
Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> __/ [ CoffeehouseSchmuck ] on Sunday 06 August 2006 03:12 \__
> > I finally decided to DITCH Windows today
> > But being relatively New to Linux I have a few questions
> Hi Eddie,
> One advice many would give you is to have some guides available. You can read
> them when time permits and gain knowledge that will stay with you for life.
> > 1.How do you install a program ?............I have dabled a bit in
> > Linux but have been unsucessfull at Installing downloads for the most
> > part,Now remember my mind is Still thinking in Windows XP mode So you
> > may need to go into detail...............One time in the past,I tried
> > to Install something I downloaded
> > I noticed the file is trz.gz or something like that,anyhoe it didnt
> > work like an ,exe did in windows
> > How do you install on Linux ?
> You neglected to mention which Linux distribution you are using. Linux
> programs are packaged to be deplayed on a large number of architectures (as
> opposed to, e.g. a strict 32-bit, x86 setting). This means that they will be
> optimised, performance-wise, to your hardware. It sounds as though you have
> downloaded a program that can either be:
> * A drag-and-drop-type installation
> OR
> * Source code, which needs to be compiled.
> Example for the former case: Thunderbird, Firefox and Opera will, in most
> cases, require you to click on this tar.gz (or .tgz) archive and then drag
> the contents onto the location where you want it installed. Sometimes there
> will also be an installation file (executable). As for the latter case, it
> is sometimes an implication that the software is not yet ready for 'prime
> time'. Sometimes.
> It would be hard to bog down to specifics unless you name the distribution
> that you use. In Ubuntu, fort example, all one needs to do is tick boxes,
> which makes it all easier than Windows (no need to search for software over
> the Web).
> http://www.wiredwriter.net/index.html?page=Tutorials#add
> > 2.What about Networking?..............I can connect to the internet on
> > all 4 computers ( 1-Mac 2-SuSE/Gnome 3-Mandriva / KDE 4-Fedora / KDE
> > but what about seeing files inside other PCs on my network?
> Have a look under SAMBA options. Nowadays, it should only be a matter of
> enabling share and then selecting which directories you want shared on the
> local network.
> > 3.I bought a LOT of Hardware while on
> > Windows.........Scanners,Printers,Burners,etc will they work?
> > remembering the Installation disks are windows compatable
> Assuming the peripherals are not Linux-hostile, they will most likely work
> 'out of the box'. While Windows often requires drivers to be pulled from
> vendor CD's, Linux already contains these drivers. They can, in other cases,
> be found on the vendor's Web site.
> > 4.i got a Maxtor EXternal hard drive that was Windows formatted,will
> > Linux understand the Software so i can re-format it ?...............I
> > already backed up
> My external hard-drive (300GB Seagate) come with a Windows filesystem 'out of
> the box'. Linux has no problems reading from and writing to it. There is no
> peril there and there shouldn't be a need to re-format the drive (depends on
> its interfaces).
> > 5.which bootloader is better Grub or Lilo ?
> I use Grub, but it makes little or no difference because it's a 1-second
> routine. Choose whatever is there...
> > thanks in advance
> >
> >
> > Eddie
> Best wishes,
> Roy