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Re: [News] Microsoft's Copycats - Too Little, Too Late

__/ [ Oliver Wong ] on Friday 18 August 2006 19:36 \__

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:3805094.rU7hsNTZnQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Windows Vista vs. Mac OS X: The Copycat Olympics
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | In Microsoft's defense, though, why wouldn't you want to "borrow" ideas
>> | from other successful products? Vista, Leopard, and Linux are all
>> | competing against each other, although in reality, each one is better
>> for
>> | a different set of users. Apple may go on and on about the similarities
>> | between Tiger and Vista, but they're there for a reason. When
>> | innovation fails, then you need to try and learn from the best, and
>> | that's what Microsoft is doing. However, they're a little late to the
>> | game, and the competing follow-up usually isn't as good as the original.
>> `----
>     Article was a bit too long for me, but I agree with Roy's summary. When
> OpenOffice implements features previously only available in Microsoft
> Office, it's a good thing. When Windows Vista implements features
> previously only available in Linux, it's a bad thing. What's up with this
> double standard?

No, no, no. That's about compatibility and lack of standards. Mind you,
Microsoft went out of its way and developed document formats unilaterally.
It has always used corruption of formats as means of extending a monoploy.

Look at Internet Explorer. Why the heck should Firefox developers support
some Microsoft 'HTML'? Because Microsoft intentionally generates _junk_ in
FrontPage and Office, outputting this as so-called 'HTML'? Not to mention
ActiveX. Microsoft _hates_ standards. They are not good for its investors
and they don't extend Gates' wealth. An IE developer called the management
"unethical shitheads" because they refuse to embrace standards. Being evil
is their weapon.

>     I think most OSS advocates agree that software patents are a bad thing.
> If we're going to abolish our current obsolete patent system, then we have
> to allow Microsoft to "steal" ideas from open source just as we allow open
> source to "steal" ideas from Microsoft. With the free exchange of ideas and
> information, all our products are made better, and everybody wins.

My gripe was with the former paragraph, but I will only add that Microsoft
has an history of patenting technology and method that it nicked from
others. Have a look:


Microsoft Seeks Patent On Virtual Desktop Pager

One example amongst many.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Have you hugged your penguin today?
http://Schestowitz.com  |  Open Prospects   ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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