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Re: [News] Patents Go Open Source (Wiki)

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Thursday 17 August 2006 10:44 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Op Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:16:33 +0100, schreef Roy Schestowitz:
>>> Patent review goes Wiki
>>> ,----[ Excerpt ]
>>> | The problem: an epidemic of shoddy patents.
>>> `----
>> The current deluge of patent applications has given rise to a positive
>> feedback loop, with the negative effect mentioned: too many applications
>> -> less time for evaluation -> greatly increased chance of rubbish patents
>> being granted -> even more applications.
>> Public reviewing and commenting could help mend this situation; I'd expect
>> to see the rejection rate shooting up, which, after a while, should deter
>> most of today's patent gamblers taking random pot shots in the hopes of
>> pulling off an NTP for themselves.
>> So I think it's an interesting idea, although of course it boils down to
>> volunteers doing the bulk of the Patent Office's work. Then again, if this
>> works well, why not declare all of the PO obsolete, and grant patents
>> somewhat in the way that search engines rank their results? Now that way,
>> the intended beneficiaries of the patent system (i.e. society as a whole)
>> could take back some power out of the hands of greedy corporations.
> I think that many of the greedy corporations could quite possibly be
> relied upon to ensure that other greedy corporations do not gain patents
> to which they are not entitled.

It's just like a scenario involving 5-year-olds. "He started it", one says.
So the solution is to just end it, eradicating the issue by pulling its root
(USPTO). If Europe accepted this, why must the States be different? There
are many similar in the capitalist nations. But greed and work ethics


Roy S. Schestowitz      | 
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     ¦     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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