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Re: Microsoft: IE7 Can't Match Oprea or Firefox (Standards-wise)

__/ [ Oliver Wong ] on Wednesday 16 August 2006 19:10 \__

> <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1155745520.068780.23650@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> Erik cited this same guy's blog a few days ago to support the notion
>> that Microsoft is dedicated to standards compliance and is doing the
>> reasonable thing (I think that's why he cited it).  The way this story
>> has developed, it shows exactly the opposite, and is very revealing
>> about sentiments out there in the developer world.
>     I don't know about Microsoft, but the guy himself seems to be dedicated
> to standards compliance:
> http://blogs.msdn.com/cwilso/archive/2006/08/15/701894.aspx
> <quote>
> This post is about me. Please do not post comments about Microsoft's
> behavior in response to this post.
> [...]
> There's a lot of anger aimed at Microsoft, in particular around IE.  A lot
> of it comes out in comments, here and in the IEBlog.  A lot of the
> frustration behind it is certainly justified, though being frustrated at me
> personally is not. I try very hard never to take it personally, and usually
> succeed.  I occasionally let blatant inaccuracies piss me off, and then I
> can get pretty pissy in tone in reply.  (The inaccuracies are frequently
> the result of anti-Microsoft sentiment to begin with, compounded with the
> last five years of web browser non-feature-development.) Too many people
> read that as "typical Microsoft arrogance", which frankly pisses me off all
> the more, because I've personally railed against Microsoft arrogance for
> longer than most of you have been involved in the web. (Yes, really. I
> started working on IE in 1995. I know many of you were working on the web
> prior to that, but I doubt the majority were.)
> [...]
> Few of you believe it - occasionally, someone who knows me really well
> does - but I actually believe in open standards.  Real open standards.  The
> ones built by a group of people with an interest in making the world
> better, not just in their own private vested interests. I've championed
> that in one way or another since I joined Microsoft, and I continue to do
> so today. It's been a hard road, but not one I can imagine myself not
> choosing to walk down. It's been gratifying to me over the past couple of
> years to see my championing pay off in the change of direction in
> Microsoft. It's been frustrating, though, to be continually identified as
> the personal screw-up responsible for IE not supporting more standards
> today, when it's actually because of my personal influence that CSS is
> IMPLEMENTED in IE. </quote>

Judging by that later post of his, his bosses antagonise any desire to
embrace standards. And with phrases like "unethical shitheads", he is most
likely to ditch Microsoft soon. A shame, really. There are many buses filled
with developers who leave Redmond, but few buses actually come in.

Ultimately, Microsoft is forced to employ people in less developing
countries. And the quality of the software (e.g. Windows Vista) shows... a
lot of Microsoft project (including Vista) are being offshorn as Bill Gates
whines about CS education in the States. It's nothing but crocodile's tears.
None of the good American developers is willing to work for an evil
monopolist, so in his defences, Gates says that no good developers are out
there. They are definitely out there. They just don't want to work for him.
They make it their life's mission to have Gates' house of fraud eliminated.

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