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Re: Customise the Windows Desktop ... yeah if you like Malware

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Friday 11 August 2006 00:09 \__

> How easy is it to customise the Linux desktop?:
> http://www.kde-look.org
> http://www.gnome-look.org
> To name but two.

That said, KDE desktop /integrates/ with kde-look.org. If you want to fetch
some new wallpapers, for example, just click on "Get new wallpapers". Then,
an XML files is requested, which is an index of wallpapers with thumbnails.
You can sort these by recency, popularity (voted by site users) and some
criteria I can't recall, then press "Install". If you wish, KDE allows you
to add these pictures to the list (a slideshow-type desktop). Drag-and-drop
features are supported too, as I only came to discover 2 days ago. Many more
features exist that deal with wallpapers alone. I only use that as one
example among many.

> And these are pretty much standard components (GDM, GTK, etc.); no
> "hacking" required.
> What about the Windows desktop?:
> http://www.themeXP.com
> http://www.stardock.com
> (Both affiliates)
> Great if you like Malware:
> http://www.stopbadware.org/reports/reportdisplay?reportname=themexp
> Or *hacking* standard Windows components, such as customising the
> Windows boot screen with a *proper* animated splash (requires
> replacing a DLL in which the splash is embedded IIRC).

These used to be .sys files when I was still using Windows (98) <
http://www.schestowitz.com/util.htm#winstart >. They actually resided in the
*gasp* main directory of drive C:.

> Beats me why Linux is always labelled by the MS fanboys as a "hack" and
> "difficult" and "unintuitive". Looks to me like Windows is more
> "difficult" ... on many levels.

Well, Linux has come a long way. Windows has not changed (evolved) in way too
long. Maybe it could use some more competition, or rivals to imitate
('innovation', they call it).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux: stop maintenance; get more actual work done
http://Schestowitz.com  |     GNU/Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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