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[News] A New Approach for Marketing FOSS

Marketing FOSS with donor-paid ads

,----[ Quote ]
| As Gregory Heller, manager of the Defective By Design campaign, points
| out, donor-paid ads have been used for decades in newspapers. Typically,
| they consist of a message addressed to the public or a government official
| that takes a strong stand on an issue, as well as the names of those who
| helped to pay for the ad. Since the arrival of the Internet, the names
| of contributors are sometimes omitted and are named on a Web page
| mentioned in the ad.


Could it compete with a $900 million brainwash compaign for Vista?

http://youtube.com/watch?v=XObuskjLlZE < Microsoft Propaganda Film >
http://youtube.com/watch?v=fj3FOHc-fgA < Ballmer chants "Advertisers,
Advertisers, Advertisers." >

Linux humour (offbeat):


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