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Re: [News] Novell's Profits are Soaring!

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Novell 3Q Profit Soars
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Novell Inc., which makes open-source business software, said Tuesday
> | its preliminary third-quarter profit jumped...
> `----
> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/060829/earns_novell.html?.v=1

I'm not surprised at all, their SLES and SLED are the best I've ever seen
for server and desktop. 

Each distro tends to have occasional milestone versions, such as Suse 9.3
and MDK8, then periods of maybe good distros but not earth shattering

Suse first, then Novel-Suse, have had quite a long run of milestone distros.
9.3 10.0 and now 10.1 is starting to come together after a dodgy start,
10.1 probably wont be recorded as a milestone, but it is a good one all the
same. But they enterprise server side was mediocre for a very long time. I
use one 9.3 as a mirror server and although it has proven stable, it was
the worst out-of-the-box server, for a home or standalone server it is
good, but as part of a multi-server network it was a pain in the bum for a
long time. Too many daft ideas from a server point of view.

Then SLES10 comes out and though you fancy it from spec your a bit wary.
Only to find that once installed it knocks spots off all of your other
servers. It isn't greedy with resources, has a good sensible selection of
tools and helpers. It's a milestone server and I am sure will continue to
take a bigger share of the server market both from RH and MS.

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