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[News] AT&T Customers Get Data Stolen By Server Hackers

Hackers access personal data on thousands of AT&T customers

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers have broken into an AT&T computer system and accessed personal
| data on thousands of customers who used its online store, the
| telecommunications giant said on Tuesday.
| [...]
| The break-in, which occurred over the weekend, was discovered within
| hours, and the online store was shut down immediately. The company quickly
| notified credit card companies and was contacting the affected
| customers through email, phone and letter, AT&T said.
| [...]
| The incident was the latest in a long string of data security breaches.
| Since early last year, more than 90 million personal records have been
| exposed in dozens of incidents, according to the latest information by
| the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.


Reminds me of stories such as:

"University server in hackers' hands for a year"


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