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Re: [News] Microsoft Board Member Jumps Ship!

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:4574973.b2OgG0iXqW@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Korologos to Retire From Microsoft Board

,----[ Quote ]
| ...Ann McLaughlin Korologos, chairman of the RAND Corp. board of
| trustees, has decided not to seek re-election to Microsoft's board
| of directors at the company's 2006 shareholder meeting.


Some context from the article:
Korologos' decision was prompted by increasing demands on her time from other professional and personal commitments. She is completing her seventh year on the Microsoft board, having joined the group in January 2000.


"I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure on the board of this worldwide, highly respected company; however, new responsibilities and opportunities force me reluctantly not to seek re-election," Korologos said.

Of course, professional courtesy sort of "forces" her to leave gracefully, but the unnescessary compliment "highly respected company" leads me to believe that her motivations aren't what "jumps ship" would imply.

- Oliver

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