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Re: Microsoft's Antitrust Results in Stripped-Down Windows in South Korea

On Wed, 23 Aug 2006 11:43:08 -0700, billwg wrote:

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> The days of extending a monopoly by prebundling software on a CD (or a DVD in
>> the case of Vista, or Internet updates, as in the case with WGA and IE7,
>> which are 'high priority' updates) are over. They are at least reaching an
>> end. And just wait until all those Windows Live links in Vista stir up a
>> commotion. No wonder Microsoft deletes employee E-mails after just 6
>> months... the company, whose founder abandons, has become afraid of
>> antitrust, as one high-status article recently argued.
> Oh, dream on, roy boy!  Maybe you won't see the new dawn coming!
> LOL!!!

It's been said before, but I'll just remind you: you're an idiot.

> Windows Vista is on a CD but so is SUSE and the others.  The bottom
> line is that, at the end of the day, people still don't use the OSS or
> competitor commercial offerings for these applets because there is no
> good reason to do so.  They are just "Me, too!" copies of what has gone
> before.  MS sets the lead on what people want to buy.

It's less a matter of wanting than it being all they are offered. Despite
this, people *are* using OSS, in larger numbers than you pretend to


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