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Re: [News] Windows BSoD in the Arcade

  • Subject: Re: [News] Windows BSoD in the Arcade
  • From: "Oliver Wong" <owong@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 14:45:05 GMT
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: GlobeTrotter
  • References: <1578745.DrHlVr5Jrc@schestowitz.com>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:1142989

"Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:1578745.DrHlVr5Jrc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
There are many stories just like it (e.g. search 'bsod' in Flickr), but this
one is new.

Broken Windows on a simple arcade game!

,----[ Quote ]
| Ok! So I am walking through my local arcade one day only to look over
| and find that an arcade game is shutting down windows 2000! When it reboots
| I expected it to start the game but it did nothing of the sort, all it
| did was popup an error message over and over again and then reboot and dot
| he same thing in a neverending cycle! All I know is that it would suck to
| be the person who had to fix that thing.
| This wouldn't have happened with linux!

The "This wouldn't have happened with Linux" is of course false, as demonstrated by the anecdote I posted a while ago on this group about the touch-screen game.

- Oliver

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