William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> This message was posted on Usenet, NOT JLAforums, & on Sun, 20 Aug 2006
> 01:18:35 +0200, Roy Culley wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz's [News] posts have really rattled the COLA wintrolls. The
>> personal attacks against him have proved that.
>> One argument used by some of the trolls is that so few of his posts
>> generate followups and hence nobody appreciates his articles to COLA.
>> Roy isn't the first person to post links to [News] articles. He just does
>> it more than anyone before him. His [News] articles are a breath of fresh
>> air and have transformed COLA over the past few months.
>> Almost single handedly Roy has increased the S/N ratio in COLA.
>> Roy isn't the first person to post links to pro-Linux / anti-MS [News]
>> articles. One of his predecessors once mentioned why doesn't his articles
>> generate responses. He received many responses telling him how much his
>> posts were appreciated.
>> Roy doesn't need feedback but he gets it anyway (I really appreciate your
>> [News] posts Roy). How many of those who complain about Roy's [News] posts
>> call their local TV/Radio station about news articles? How many send
>> messages to news websites they read?
>> Roy is providing a news service for those of us too lazy / have too little
>> time to subscribe to the multitude of resources available. Keep up the
>> good work Roy, it is most appreciated by me.
> And me also. I would far sooner read RS's news posts than the rambling,
> rantings & ravings of teh idiot wintrolls...which is why they're in the
> bin, along with posters who *persistently* reply to them.
Roys news service should be done via a mailing list then : not a public
news group. if all NGs had their Roy then they would shut down pretty
damn quick.
As for the rest of the dribbling hero worship : yuch. Get a room.
I'm not sure I've seen any of these "wintrolls". Could you define one?
Ive only seen balanced argument against painting Windows blacker than it
is, and people who acknowledge the many failings that Linux has. That is
not "wintrolling" : that is NOT being an ass licking fanboi as you
appear to be, "Bill".