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Re: [News] Second Life and Linux

Hadron Quark <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> Second Life and Open Source
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Each "sim" or simulator of a portion of the virtual world in Second
>> | Life is created on a server running Debian GNU/Linux, Apache, Squid
>> | and MySQL; currently there are several thousand of these PC boxes.
>> | To allow for fast response times, the virtual world is sent not as
>> | pixels or even as a mesh, but as a series of 3D primitives -
>> | "prims". The Second Life client creates the world by converting
>> | the stream of information about prims and their position into
>> | a visual representation.
>> `----
> "prims"? Yet more re-inventing the wheel.

Hi, I cant help but notice that youre still a complete fucking moron.

Prims are actually a good idea---and one of the only good ideas that
anyone involved with second life has had since they stole the original
code from Activeworlds.  It enables any user to create and modify
models and have them display correctly in the clients of others.  This
is not Warcraft nor Everquest here, where there are no user-servicable



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