Tim Smith wrote:
> I was somewhat puzzled when Roy S said that Ryzom was an MMORPG with a
> large number of players. He called it #3, in fact. It was puzzling
> because I've never seen it on any list of top MMORPGs. It's not even
> listed at all here:
> <http://www.mmorpgchart.com/>
> It's strange that this site would overlook the #3 game.
> Well, it turns out Ryzom only has 3500 active players:
> <http://software.newsforge.com/software/06/12/15/1537210.shtml>
> Maybe when Roy said #3, he was counting from the bottom? :-)
It has such a high number of subscribers because Linux is "an elite gaming
platform". Or maybe it's "the elite gaming platform". I never can remember