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[News] European Patents System Still in Chaos

Plan for European patent court may fail, says EU Commissioner

,----[ Quote ]
| The EU Internal Markets Commissioner has warned that Europe is about
| to miss out on a chance to forge a pan-European patent disputes forum
| because of long-standing international bickering on what a system
| might look like.



Hopes fade for EU patents reform initiative

,----[ Quote ]
| A long-running campaign to set up an efficient, pan-European patent
| regime is in danger of collapse, Charlie McCreevy, the European
| Union internal market commissioner, said on Tuesday.


Supreme court appears to favor abolition of key patent standard

,----[ Quote ]
| Hearing a case that could have profound implications for the
| technology industry, U.S. Supreme Court justices appeared to be
| taking a skeptical view of lower court decisions that have worked
| to safeguard patented products from claims that their invention was
| obvious and not worthy of legal protection.


High Court Skeptical of Patent Standards

,----[ Quote ]
| Supreme Court justices expressed skepticism Tuesday about the current
| legal standard for granting patents and signaled a willingness tom
| ake patents harder to obtain.


Supreme Court weighs 'obviousness' of patents

,----[ Quote ]
| U.S. Supreme Court justices on Tuesday appeared to take issue with
| the current legal standard for granting patents, which many
| high-tech firms claim is ineffective at weeding out inventions
| that should be obvious.


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