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[News] Security/Usability Tradeoff Revisited

SELinux: Comprehensive security at the price of usability

,----[ Quote ]
| SELinux is a very mature product. NSA had been working on it fors
| everal years before releasing it to the Open Source community in
| December 2000. Even now it has been worked on by many individuals
| and companies.


To all those complaining that clicking on some arbitrary Web link to install
software (or a background installation) isn't working in GNU/Linux. Later
on, some argue that Vista software installation is a nuisance, which is


Free Agent: How to Compile Free Software Apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Let me start with a controversial statement: Installing
| new software is almost always easier on Linux than on
| Windows or the Mac OS.
| I can already envision the angry e-mail. It'll come from
| the folks who write each month, certain that if they use
| enough capital letters and exclamation points, they'll
| convince me that LINUX SUCKS!!!
| But I'll say it again: Installing new software is, in
| most cases, easier under Linux than under other
| operating systems. I've touched on the simple reason
| why many times in this column. On most Linux systems,
| an app called the package manager takes care of
| software installation and removal.


Installing Microsoft Script Debugger in Windows Vista, 10 MB

,----[ Quote ]
| First I have to make sure my copy of Windows is
| "genuine," which involves installing an ActiveX
| component (yuck!) or downloading and running a 1.35
| MB program that takes 15 seconds to load and forces
| me to copy and paste a code into a tiny text field. Once
| I'm past the validation step, I click to download and
| run the Script Debugger installer, which leads me
| through six confirmation dialogs before actually
| starting the installation.
| Except the files can't be copied! More cryptic
| dialogs appear. I click Retry several times to no
| avail, then finally give up and click Cancel. (Which
| I'm asked to confirm, of course.) After saying yes,
| I'm sure I want to cancel the installation that doesn't
| work, another dialog pops up blaming me for the failed
| installation: "INF Install failure. Reason: The
| operation was cancelled by the user."
| So I decide to actually read the instructions on the
| page that loaded after my download began. The
| instructions say that clicking "Run" instead of
| "Save" should be fine. Whatever, I'll try saving the
| installer to disk anyway, because I really need this
| debugger. Ten confirmation dialogs later, the Microsoft
| Script Debugger installer finally starts copying files
| to my hard drive.


Simple Package management with Synaptic Package Manager in Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Synaptic is a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing software
| packages on Debian-based distributions.


Installation on Vista, OSX, and Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Shows software installation (Mozilla Thunderbird) on Vista, OSX,
| and Ubuntu.


The Thing About Beagle

,----[ Quote ]
| Beagle is a desktop search tool for Gnome. I thought I might give it 
| a go, because sometimes I need to find things. Since I am using KDE I
| also installed Kerry, which is a KDE front end for Beagle. All of this
| can be accomplished in Debian as follows:
| apt-get install kerry
| Phew, that was tricky. I can see why those windows guys find Linux
| sooo difficult. It is waaaaay easier to go to some random website,
| download an installer, pray that it is safe, double-click on the
| installer, click "Yes, I do agree to all of these outrageous license
| terms and I don't mind that it includes spyware, and adware", click
| Next, Next, Next, and finally reboot a couple of times.


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