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Re: A COLA TwitList

Snit wrote:
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> stated in post
> 1958645.cmURC6xlaX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on 12/31/06 2:29 PM:
>> __/ [ Roy Culley ] on Sunday 31 December 2006 20:42 \__
>>> begin  risky.vbs
>>> <pan.2006.>,
>>> Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>> On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 19:35:11 +0100, Roy Culley wrote:
>>>>> alt.atheism has a website dedicated to twits that post to the
>>>>> newsgroup:
>>>>> http://www.city-of-dis.com/twitlist/twitlist1.asp
>>>>> Anyone got the time, knowhow and inclination to set one up for COLA?
>>>>> Could save a lot of time when replying to trolls to merely point to
>>>>> their entry in the twitlist. A brief description of the twits
>>>>> 'special' characteristics and a few links to some of their priceless
>>>>> posts.
>>>> I nominate Rick and Snit for banging on interminably about nothing
>>>> worth reading.
>>> There are more deserving 'twits' IMHO. snit should just be ignored as
>>> he's nothing more than a persistent troll who thrives on being fed.
>>> Roy S is the only one to constructively respond to my post so far.
>>> Surely someone has the time and inclination to set this up. I think it
>>> would be fun and useful. There again perhaps I'm just an old fart
>>> and no one else gives a damn.
>> If I put something on my domain (like the COLA killfile Wiki), nobody (or
>> only few) will bother to participate because of a false sense of
>> 'ownership'. Where would be a good place to set this up?
> Hmmm, and if you do set it up will it be open or closed - will *anyone* be
> able to add content?

Of course not.

And it's funny that these supposed "champions" of open software (and I
use that term very lightly) are already talking about a password
protected list, or kill file, or whatever completely closed off from
open opinion.

These "advocates" are hypocrites.  People like Culley who post cola
stats and call people out of their name just because their opinion is
different.  That doesn't follow the 'free as in speech' creed they
supposedly hold so dear.  Or what about Schestowitz who will steal
copyrighted works and then curse others for doing the same.


Peter K abandon his firewall lie:

Jim R failing to address the issue after being asked:

And of course, Roy Culley -- COLAs loyal hall monitor:

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