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Re: Another bunch of unwashed nerdy geeks

On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 19:01:25 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Linonut ] on Sunday 31 December 2006 16:15 \__
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Peter KÃhlmann belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>>> http://www.topcased.org/
>>> Just look at "Partners"
>>> Seems all are unpayed unwashed linux zealots
>>> (You know, the ones flatfish or DFS blubber about)
> I guess I'm becoming less of a zealot then. I cut down from 3-4 showers a day
> to just 1-2.
>>  Those downloads are HUGE.  Looks like they've been working on it for a
>>  couple years.
> It's hard to type in the shower.

Add obsessive-compulsive to your list of mental disorders Roy Schestowitz.

And who says COLA is useless?
Look at all this great professional, albeit 3rd party, you are getting for
IOW, I don't actually know these things, I just ask someone who happens to
be an expert in the field of mental disorders. 

She specializes in "Internet Addiction" .

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