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Re: [News] 2006: Year of the Windows... Botnets

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Cyber Crime Hits the Big Time in 2006
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Spam volumes are often viewed as a barometer for the relative security
> | of the Internet community at large, in part because most spam is
> | relayed via "bots," a term used to describe home computers that
> | online criminals have compromised surreptitiously with a computer
> | virus or worm. The more compromised computers that the bad guys control
> | and link together in networks, or "botnets," the greater volume of spam
> | they can blast onto the Intenet.
> `----
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/22

I concurr. The biggest thing in IT that happened, that should not
have happened is 

'2006: Year of the Windows... Botnets'

Billions of people subjected to billion of spam messages
mainly originating from USA because of windopz lax security
and US political inaction that should be directed solely at 
interfering with micoshaft the business to get something done
with multi-billion dollar fines.

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