__/ [John Bokma] on Thursday 02 February 2006 06:56 \__
> ".:J:." <MONKEYselskab-at-bigfoot.com> wrote:
>> Hey
>> I'm looking for an open source SE to put on my site. I'd like to make
>> the external search engines (google etc) crawl my search engine, so
>> that i.e. Google would index my search engines database. Any
>> suggestions on a simple open source search engine ?
> htdig, not sure if it's still supported, etc.
PhpDig < http://www.phpdig.net/ > might still have some active development
and is probably more modern. I don't know if Entropy Search is Open Source,
but I assume it is. Regarding the latter point, external (third-party)
search engines will not have interest in indices which you generate locally.
Google sitemaps are the closest thing, but they are associated with crawling
patterns, not search results.
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