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Re: Home user and passwords

__/ [hopkins] on Saturday 04 February 2006 20:33 \__

>>>The file manager asks you for root password? Where are you trying to move
> I sometimes run the "File Manager - Super user mode" from the K menu,
> type in 'media:/' then right-click and "safely remove" various
> temporarly mounted usb devices. I cannot do this unless im root.
>>>If you permit no outside access to your computer (e.g. telnet and SSH), as
>>>specified by your firewall rules, perhaps choosing a simple and short root
>>>password is worthwhile? Be cautious however.
> I did actually think of this imediately after posting. My computer's
> behind quite a solid firewall (as well as the suse one) so I've now set
> a blank root password! Now when I run the various root-only GUI
> programs I have 1 extra click to load them, which I find acceptable.

[sacrasm /] What's your IP address again? Damn, you're posting through the GG

With kind regards,


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